Sunday, January 23, 2011

You may meet the wisest man you’ll EVER meet today…... so listen!

Characteristics of a Great Leader

• Great Leaders make themselves available TO LEAD!

• Great Leaders are Practical and ASK (God) for Wisdom!

• Great Leaders practice “tough love”

• Great Leaders are faithful to the Word of God! Seeking GOD’s will and NOT having a “personal agenda”!

• Great Leaders are Mentors! Creating other Leaders as they go.

• Great Leaders envision the possibilities and PLAN for the future.

• Great Leaders Make Good Decisions! In part because of the above characteristics they practice but also because they’ve learned NOT to lean on their own understanding. Prov. 3:5

• Leaders motivate others to be the Best they can be! Showing enthusiasm and exhorting others as they participate.

Brother Scott Penn
Minister of Mott Church of Christ

Friday, January 14, 2011

What is Self Esteem

What is “Self Esteem?”
The Encarta dictionary defines self esteem as the “confidence in your own merit as an individual person”. Such a positive definition….,So why then, when we hear the words “self esteem”, its more often associated with one’s “Lack of confidence”?  Our Self Esteem is crucial to our happiness but more importantly as women it is crucial to the happiness and; well being of our families (both home and Church) as well.
Just as the busy mother has to be reminded to slow down or STOP and take care of herself, so that she can BETTER take care of her family.  We as Women…... (mothers, daughters, wives, Sunday school teachers, etc) must STOP and take a check up on  SELF!!!!  So join me with our Great Physician as we strive to have a healthy Self Esteem.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Join me on.........,
         I Love Me, I Love Me Not.....,
as I share with you lesson's from our Ladies Bible Class.

       It's "A Study of the Christian Woman's Self~Esteem" by Rosemary Whittle McKnight

I hope you will be uplifted and encouraged by our studies and fellowship, even if your not able to join us in person.