Saturday, January 4, 2014

Reflections & Directions

   For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven:  Ecc. 3:1 AVS

·         Reflections & Directions: 

Reflection:  As we start the New Year, we often reflect on the old & then direct our attention on improving in the New by setting goals or New Year’s Resolutions.  For me, more Bible study/reading/leading, improving “prayer & family time”, organization, weight loss & exercise have topped my list & have ALL returned year after year after year! I guess it’s pretty clear to say that I’m NOT a “Resolution” or Goal setting person!  After a while, the reflection part bothered me.  It was like looking at my failures head on!    When I reflected on the past “resolutions” & the fact that I (yet again) fell short, it was dis-heartening to say the least.   Well, not this year!!!  Even though this year I have NOT lost weight (well I did but gained it all back plus some), NOR have I stuck with my exercise regimen but I DO HAVE A NEW OUTLOOK! I HAVE A NEW ATTITUDE!!!!   I have a NEW more CONFIDENT HEART!!!   So, as I reflect on the past year, I choose to reflect on the Memories of family times, and lessons learned that are making me a better person.  I am a complicated, yet simple work in progress & I am not defined by what I did not do in 2013!  The seasons of my life are not defined by the months on the calendar or the changing of the weather.  The seasons of my life are given by God, and I choose to allow him to continue to direct, guide and strengthen me. 
As I reflect on this past year, I have learned (or have been reminded) that

1.       My outlook of “time” is not God’s (He’s always RIGHT on time)

2.       For everything there is a season. (Ecc.3:1) its God’s Season NOT MINE, I’m just being allowed to be a part of it!

3.       Where I am is where God wants me to be.  Yet this doesn’t mean to be complacent & do nothing more than I have been doing.  It means that “it’s NOT about ME”!  I am where God needs me to be, in order to complete His works.

4.       That negativity hampers your Christians influence.

5.       If you desire for the Holy Spirit to dwell in your heart, you must create a heart, he’d enjoy living in. (through God’s word) & you must listen to Him!  You MUST know your Shepherds voice……, Listen!!!

Direction:  A local radio station use to feature a segment that ended with “A person who fails to plan is a person who is planning to fail”.  This always bothered me because I had no REAL goals or plans.  I’m HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY right where I am.  I do realize the importance of goals but failed to realize that they are not only for the “career minded, ladder climbing” individual.  They are helpful for anyone who does not wish to be stagnant.   Goals help us to grow, they help us to stay focused, ensuring that we are growing properly, physically, mentally & spiritually.  For this reason, I continue to set New Year’s resolutions……, well not really…., it’s more like a few things to strive toward. 


1.       Remember the lessons learned in the last year & build upon them

2.       Bloom where I am planted

3.       Shine so that others can see HIS light.

4.       To be more positive

5.   To be mindful of my AADD, recognize & overcome the obstacles it creates.

6.   Strive to lead our Ladies Bible Class in an exciting & encouraging way.

7.   Write more.

8.   Work on Perrette genealogy material for the 2015 reunion.


As I’ve grown and somewhat matured in my Christian walk, I’m happy to now reflect upon each season in life as a blessing.  No matter if it’s a hard time of struggles or pleasant sailing, I strive to recognize the big picture, God’s picture, God’s view.  What does God want me to learn from this situation?  What does God want me to do in this situation?  See a need for prayer, lift a helping hand, address a situation & get someone motivated to take action if I can’t.  Show me Lord.  To everything there is a season, a purpose under Heaven.  A purpose unto Heaven. 

1 comment:

  1. Patricia, I really enjoyed reading your post especially what you wrote here: "The seasons of my life are not defined by the months on the calendar or the changing of the weather. The seasons of my life are given by God, and I choose to allow him to continue to direct, guide and strengthen me." I love this so much. I also like how your goals are not defined by numbers but simply with beautiful action! Thank you for sharing today with the gap studies. I really enjoyed taking the time to read your perspective and see how God is working in your life. God bless you! - Kelly
