Sunday, October 27, 2013

Finding a Priceless Love in the Shadow of His wings

Chapter 3 of A Confident Heart by Renee Swope – Finding Love that want fail, even when I do.

Verse Psalm 36:7

How priceless is your unfailing Love, o God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

                The New King James version reads “How precious is Your loving kindness, O God!  Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings”. 

This verse reminds me of a mother hen, gathering her babies, under her wings to protect them from the soaring hawk or the pending dangers during the night.  The same holds true for us as Christians, as Children of God we can take refuge in Him.  All too often we get so busy in the things of this world that we become down (tired, weak, wronged, depressed etc.) from the cares or darkness of this world.  The more we work, the more we worry, the more we try yet the more we seem to spiral faster out of balance, out of control.  We fill our lives with so much, yet we fill empty.  How can this be?!?

When a baby chick wonders to far from its mother, the harder it is for the mother hen to protect her child and the greater its chances are to be lost.  The same is true for us as Christians,   when we allow the business of our daily lives to take us further & further away from our Father, it becomes harder for us to feel His love & protection. 

We must remember that He is our Father, our protector and come unto Him!  Like the mother hen, His love is unfailing and filling.  His Love is #priceless and is always a #perfect love.  The “worth’s” of this world always leak through your heart but if we allow our “worth” to be in God first and foremost, we will have the satisfying feeling of his priceless love that will comfort us during the good times as well as the bad. 

When you look up to find the light and only see darkness, you are simply in the shadow of Gods wings.  Protecting you while you rest, until the morning light shines again.  And it WILL shine again!



  1. Love the analogy you used with a mother hen and her chicks. I especially loved the last paragraph, about the darkness being under God's wings. Thanks for sharing!!

    Kris Danko (OBS Small Group Leader)
